Leading Light

Leading Light was written by Jack Wilds (see below) in 2022 on a commission from the Artie Henry Middle School Honors Band in Cedar Park, Texas. It is dedicated to Dr. David Ellis, the principal of the school, for 20 years of leading the school to become a “high performing middle school with an elementary heart”.

From the composer: “Leading Light was written as a tribute to the inspiring leadership of Henry Middle School’s principal, Dr. David Ellis, for the school’s twentieth anniversary. In seeking to recognize the school’s growth into a leading program in extracurriculars and the arts, the piece follows a single melody from a slower, quieter beginning filled with potential into a faster section crackling with energy. The melody steadily builds momentum through each variation until it reaches a joyful outpouring of sound in the final bars.”

Dr. Jack Wilds (b. 1986) received his Bachelor of Music Studies from the Butler School of Music at the University of Texas at Austin. He completed his DMA from the University of Texas in 2022.

Ranging from children's choirs to collegiate wind ensembles and professional chamber groups, Jack's music draws on visual art, philosophical and religious texts, poetry, and absolute musical influences to create vibrant works that meet performers where they are while inspiring authentic, artistic music making.

His chamber music has been performed by the Attacca Quartet, the University of Texas New Music Ensemble, the Austin Saxophone Ensemble, and members of the New York Philharmonic and the Atlanta Symphony. His works have also been featured at international festivals and composition workshops including the International Trombone Festival, the Slider Asia Clinic in Hong Kong, the American Trombone Workshop, the International Horn Symposium, New Music on the Bayou and The Wyoming Festival.

A former public school band director, Jack's works for wind ensemble and choir include over 40 publications for developing musicians. His works for wind band are regularly featured on required repertoire lists for festivals on multiple continents and have been performed at the Midwest Clinic and at educator conferences across the United States.

Jack is a lecturer at Texas State University, where he teaches composition, music theory, ear training, and music technology courses. He is also the Co-Director of Music at First Presbyterian Church in San Marcos, a position he has held for 13 years and is privileged to share with his wife, Noel. He is an active clinician and adjudicator with regular engagements countrywide.

The music for Leading Light was provided for the band by the Trombone Section of 2024.